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3 childhood health habits we should carry into adulthood

Updated: Sep 17, 2022

(NC) There is an old saying that old habits die hard. It may not apply to our childhood health routines, when life felt simple and our family looked after our well-being, but maybe it should. Here are three childhood-inspired health habits that could serve us well in adulthood.

  1. Baby soft skincare Not all of us are blessed with baby-smooth skin, but we can certainly try to preserve our precious glow by taking a few notes from the kid's playbook. Always wash your face before bed, be sure to apply sunscreen before you go out, keep hydrated and remember that simple, unscented soap is sometimes all you need for cleansing.

  2. Regular vaccinations Thanks to our parents, most of us were immunized at a young age against vaccine-preventable diseases like the measles or chicken pox. But vaccination isn’t just for kids. Immunity from childhood vaccinations may wear off over time and as we age, so getting a booster dose can increase our immunity to provide the best protection. There are also diseases that are more common in adults, even healthy ones. This is why additional vaccines are needed as we get older. Remember, staying up to date on your shots helps protect you and those around you.

  3. Time for sleep We all cherish the nights when we slept like a baby. In fact, children require (and get) on average 10 to 13 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. While adults don’t require the same quota as children, many may forget just how important sleep is for the maintenance of good health. Canadian adults aged 18 to 64 require seven to nine hours of sleep per night. In today’s always-on world, insufficient sleep is common, but if our kid selves can teach us anything, it’s the importance of getting in a good night’s rest.

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