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How to stretch your holiday shopping dollars

The holiday season often brings out the best in people. We want to help the less fortunate. We want to spread Christmas cheer. Sometimes, we want to do more than our bank account will allow. Don’t lose heart. With a little creativity, you can share your holiday spirit with those who need it most.

Here are a few cost-effective gift ideas:

  1. Write to a soldier Those in the military may not have the opportunity to celebrate the holidays with their families. Show them how much you appreciate their service with a Christmas card. Just Google “Write to the troops – Canada” for instructions. Cost: $3.50 for card and postage.

  2. Volunteer online In the past, you may have helped with in-person holiday volunteer activities, such as collecting winter coats for the homeless or wrapping toys for children in need. Due to COVID-19, you may not be comfortable volunteering in person. Why not sign up as an online volunteer? lists opportunities across Canada. Cost: $0

  3. Give a double gift World Vision’s gift catalogue offers several gifts for $30 or less that contribute to education, gender equality and food security of kids around the globe. Your donation dollars multiply in value when combined with contributions from the Canadian government, the World Food Programme or corporate partners. Cost: $30 or less.

  4. Re-gift This idea has a rough reputation – something you give to people you don’t like. But re-gifting can be meaningful and cut back on waste. What book inspired you? What holiday decoration brings back memories? Wrap it. Cost: $0

  5. Give of yourself Sometimes in the busyness of the holidays, what gets lost is focused time with family and friends. Booking some one-on-one time with loved ones or just devoting your attention to someone can be the most caring gift of all. Cost: $5 (for tea or coffee)

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