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The best toys and activities for babies at different ages

Choosing the right toys and activities for your baby can be a fun and rewarding experience, as it helps promote their development and encourages learning through play. Here are some suggestions for toys and activities suitable for babies at different ages: 0-3 months: At this age, babies are still getting used to their new environment and are mostly interested in exploring their own bodies and the world around them through their senses. Toys that are soft, colorful, and have different textures, such as fabric books and soft toys, can be a great choice. Play activities such as tummy time, talking to your baby, and singing songs can also help stimulate their senses and promote development. 4-6 months: As babies grow and become more mobile, they may become more interested in toys that they can hold and manipulate. Toys with buttons, levers, and other interactive features can be a great choice, as well as soft balls and other objects that they can grab and explore. Play activities such as peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake, and patting drums can also help develop their coordination and cognitive skills. 7-12 months: As babies become more curious and mobile, they may be interested in toys that they can push, pull, and stack. Simple puzzles, blocks, and shape sorters can be a great choice, as well as toys that encourage imitative play, such as dolls and kitchen sets. Play activities such as finger painting, playing with water and sand, and dancing to music can also be enjoyable and stimulating for babies at this age. It's important to remember that every baby is different and may have different interests and abilities. The best toys and activities for your baby will depend on their individual needs and interests. Just be sure to choose age-appropriate toys and activities and supervise your baby at all times to ensure their safety.

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